Product Code: Aeroprismo

Availability:In stock

₹ 5,660

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You can Now get your hands on Fellow Prismo and Aeropress Go with this amazing deal. Now make espresso-style coffee anywhere you go!

Aeropress Go Coffee Maker
Aeropress are back with another most handy and travel- buddy!
Aeropress are proud to be selling our favorite coffee making machine! Using the ideal water temperature and gentle but rapid air pressure brewing yields rich flavor with lower acidity and without bitterness. The result is ultra smooth coffee that highlights each note of the single-estate coffees we sell!
  • Total immersion brewing results in uniform extraction of the ultimate in full, rich coffee flavor.
  • Micro filtered for grit-free coffee - unlike other press-type coffee makers.
  • Depending on the brewing method, you can make a cup of coffee in 1-2 minutes.
  • Makes American style coffee or an espresso-style shot perfect for use in lattes or cappuccinos

Fellow Prismo

Prismo is a pressure-actuated valve designed to be used with the AeroPress® Coffee Maker. This attachment allows for a build-up of pressure to brew espresso-style coffee and creates a no-drip seal for recipes that normally require inverting your AeroPress®.

To eliminate the need for paper filters, a reusable 150 micron etched filter stops sludge in its tracks and fits directly over your favorite espresso glass to “pull a shot” at home. Espresso-style, full-immersion, cold brew, hot/iced tea, americanos, and more—endless recipes are just one plunge away!